Bellinzona 2001

"Bellinzona 2001: the inclusion of Castelgrande, Montebello, Sasso Corbaro and the walls in the UNESCO World Heritage list with the contribution of Felice Varini and illustrated with photographs by Pino Brioschi, Pino Musi, Jordi Bernado and André Morin".

The publication is a collection of photographs which documents the project by the artist Felice Varini at the Bellinzona Castelgrande. To capture the three circular fragments which interact fluidly in the space composing the landscape of and around Bellinzona, the observer needs to find just the right viewing angle between the merlons of Montebello Castle, facing towards the Castelgrande. This is the perspective that the author has projected in his design. For some months, following the inscription of the castles and the defensive walls onto the UNESCO World Heritage List, the observer has been offered a unique view of the city and buildings being adorned by surfaces of red.

L'inserimento di Castelgrande, Montebello, Sasso corbaro e la murata nel patrimonio mondiale Unesco segnato dall'Intervento di Felice Varini nelle foto di : Jordi Bernado, Pino Brioschi, André Morin, Pino Musi.